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1. Commission Unto Mexico Short-term mission trip to Mexico over the New Year's holiday. As a Work and Witness adventure for all ages the trip is very family-friendly.... [ Edit ] Site Reviews(0) Added: Jul 2, 2003 Last Update: Jul 2, 2003 Category: International Hits In: 43 Hits Out: 2327 |
2. Operation Carelift Short-term mission teams to Russia, Siberia, Ukraine and Belarus. Volunteers share Christ and deliver aid to orphans, street kids, elderly and others in need. OCL is a division of Campus Crusade for Christ.... [ Edit ] Site Reviews(1) Added: Sep 3, 2004 Last Update: Sep 3, 2004 Category: International Hits In: 41 Hits Out: 2811 |
3. Y.I.C Ministries We are an international Evangelical, Spirit filled UK based ministry. We have been given a commission through Jesus Christ to go into all the world, and make disciples of all men.... [ Edit ] Site Reviews(1) Added: Dec 18, 2003 Last Update: Dec 18, 2003 Category: International Hits In: 39 Hits Out: 3015 |
4. Mosjos Helping the poor needy sick and downtrodden people of society.... [ Edit ] Site Reviews(1) Added: Jun 9, 2004 Last Update: Jun 9, 2004 Category: International Hits In: 37 Hits Out: 2668 |
5. Sure Word Ministries, Inc. SWM is an international ministry reaching the world for the cause of Christ. This site contains all kinds of information and articles, prophetic section, international section etc.... [ Edit ] Site Reviews(0) Added: Jun 26, 2003 Last Update: Jun 26, 2003 Category: International Hits In: 36 Hits Out: 2235 |
6. Dublin Christian Mission Our Mission is to the poor and needy of our city. The homeless, addicts, under-priveleged families and children. We operate a series of outreach clubs, homework clubs and camps with visitation to the families. We provide clothing, food and bedding at a dropin for the homeless and addicts. ... [ Edit ] Site Reviews(1) Added: Jun 26, 2003 Last Update: Jun 26, 2003 Category: International Hits In: 34 Hits Out: 2419 |
7. In Touch Mission International A Christian evangelical mission serving the persecuted church and bringing the Gospel to precious souls in restricted access countries.... [ Edit ] Site Reviews(1) Added: Jun 9, 2004 Last Update: Jun 9, 2004 Category: International Hits In: 33 Hits Out: 3268 |
9. Lighthouse Of Mercy The Dodgen family serves as missionaries to West Africa onboard the Mercy Ship Anastasis. This hospital ship brings hope and healing to the poor through relief, development and the gospel of Christ.... [ Edit ] Site Reviews(0) Added: Jul 6, 2005 Last Update: Jul 6, 2005 Category: International Hits In: 30 Hits Out: 2490 |
10. Orphans Rural Life Center Africa A center, farm, home for orphans in very difficult circumstances. We will help many go to school, vocational training and provide stability and love. Our eventual goal is to become self sufficent in food and school fees. Please pray for us.... [ Edit ] Site Reviews(0) Added: Aug 14, 2003 Last Update: Aug 14, 2003 Category: International Hits In: 29 Hits Out: 2303 |
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