1. Into Thy Word Missions Into Thy Word Ministries teaches people how to study the Bible in a simple, clear, and concise way, discipling pastors and missionaries, providing seminars, speaking, church consulting, discipleship tools and resources for Christian growth. ... http://www.intothyword.net [ Edit ]Site Reviews(0) Added: Jun 25, 2003 Last Update: Jun 25, 2003 Category: Missions Hits In: 43 Hits Out: 2431
2. AFC mission trips Mission trips to the middle east, to places like Jordan, Isreal, Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan, even Iraq.... http://christianmissiontrips.org [ Edit ]Site Reviews(0) Added: Sep 3, 2004 Last Update: Sep 3, 2004 Category: Missions Hits In: 37 Hits Out: 2378
3. Casa Betesda Christian Orphanage Managua, Nicaragua Safe and healthy Christian home for abandoned, abused Nicaraguan children. Strong emphasis on faith and relationship with Jesus, education and counseling. Non profit ministry registered with Nicaraguan government ministry of family "MiFamila".... http://www.casabetesda.com [ Edit ]Site Reviews(0) Added: Sep 3, 2004 Last Update: Sep 3, 2004 Category: Missions Hits In: 29 Hits Out: 2238