1. Creation Science Resource An educational ministry for creation sciences that provides an assortment of
curriculum, hosts discussion forums, and maintains extensive internet links.... http://nwcreation.net [ Edit ]Site Reviews(0) Added: Jun 25, 2003 Last Update: Jun 25, 2003 Category: Education Hits In: 40 Hits Out: 2715
2. Christians for Biblical Equality Christians for Biblical Equality (CBE) believes that the Bible teaches the equality of men and women based on the teachings of scripture such as Galatians 3:28. CBE offers biblical materials, online articles, a bookstore, conferences and local chapters, advancing biblical equality of women and men.... http://www.cbeinternational.org [ Edit ]Site Reviews(0) Added: Sep 2, 2004 Last Update: Sep 2, 2004 Category: Education Hits In: 32 Hits Out: 2277
3. The School of the Lion, an independent Christian School, in Gloucester The School of the Lion is a Christian independent school, based in Gloucester, where Christian parents and friends work together to provide Christ-centred education within a biblical framework.... http://www.schoolofthelion.org.uk/ [ Edit ]Site Reviews(0) Added: Jul 12, 2005 Last Update: Jul 12, 2005 Category: Education Hits In: 31 Hits Out: 2406
4. Nora Thompson The purpose of this website is to relay information to parents and prospective parents about the educational and spiritual opportunities available to their children at Bluegrass Christian School... http://www.bluegrasschristianschool.org [ Edit ]Site Reviews(0) Added: Oct 20, 2007 Last Update: Oct 20, 2007 Category: Education Hits In: 30 Hits Out: 2290
5. Christian Educational Videos Informative Christian videos from a Biblical perspective ....... from Christian videos that inspire, Christian videos to help you homeschool your children, to Christian videos that reveal the evils in the world today.... http://www.christianedvideo.com [ Edit ]Site Reviews(1) Added: Jul 5, 2003 Last Update: Jul 5, 2003 Category: Education Hits In: 29 Hits Out: 2257