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1. A Christian Singles Place for Fellowship and Courtship
Meet, mingle, network and fellowship with Christian singles from all over the world. Find that special someone in an environment for spiritual growth....  [ Edit ]  Site Reviews(1)
Added: Jun 9, 2004  Last Update: Jun 9, 2004  Category: Singles  Hits In: 27  Hits Out: 1304
2. Advice for christian singles on dating
Free christian dating is more than just dating christian singles. Learn about dating from a biblical perspective and enjoy a God glorifying relationship....  [ Edit ]  Site Reviews(0)
Added: Oct 21, 2006  Last Update: Oct 21, 2006  Category: Singles  Hits In: 25  Hits Out: 1659
3. Village Chretien International
International Singles meeting. Free registration!...  [ Edit ]  Site Reviews(1)
Added: Jun 25, 2003  Last Update: Jun 25, 2003  Category: Singles  Hits In: 24  Hits Out: 1280
4. Christian Singles Dating
Christian Singles Dating Network where christian singles can meet other christian singles for dating and romance....  [ Edit ]  Site Reviews(1)
Added: Jun 25, 2003  Last Update: Jun 25, 2003  Category: Singles  Hits In: 23  Hits Out: 1194
ChristiansUK is a christian run matchmaking and friendship-building site. We also provide relevant articles on relationships, health and fitness. ...  [ Edit ]  Site Reviews(0)
Added: Jan 20, 2004  Last Update: Jan 20, 2004  Category: Singles  Hits In: 22  Hits Out: 3151
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