1. light of love art People all over the world have shown an interest in light ,You will find some paintings and works about lightWhich will show you the unconventional pictures. I hope to dance with you in the sky,I hope to walk with you on the earth,I hope people would contact with heart and heart,I hope people would rely on each other
... http://www.tianyige.net/newtent.htm [ Edit ]Site Reviews(0) Added: Sep 2, 2003 Last Update: Sep 2, 2003 Category: Arts Hits In: 30 Hits Out: 1263
2. SanGallery Gallery of Christian Fine Art.Oil on canvas.... http://www.sangallery.net/ [ Edit ]Site Reviews(0) Added: Feb 11, 2004 Last Update: Feb 11, 2004 Category: Arts Hits In: 28 Hits Out: 1418