1. Lawrence Hilliard - Philosophy/Theology For over 30 years Lawrence Hilliard has taught theology, philosophy, apologetics, ethics and politics.Mr. Hilliard teaches from a theocentric perspective.... http://www.clarionvoice.com [ Edit ]Site Reviews(0) Added: Jun 26, 2003 Last Update: Jun 26, 2003 Category: Philosophy Hits In: 37 Hits Out: 1735
2. Terrestrial Soup Intelligent Design Info Information about the debate between intelligent design and evolution, creationism, naturalism, Christian apologetics, philosophical arguments for design, etc. Vibrant discussion forum addresses current events and a newsletter is in development.... http://www.tsoup.org [ Edit ]Site Reviews(0) Added: Jun 26, 2003 Last Update: Jun 26, 2003 Category: Philosophy Hits In: 29 Hits Out: 1816