1. Pure As He Is Pure: My Struggle With Homosexuality The author's page for the book Pure As He Is Pure: My Struggle With Homosexuality -- a courageous, uncompromising, solidly Biblical work using elements of the author's life to show how God changes homosexual attraction and gives victory over homosexual sin.... http://hometown.aol.com/buddychan2/book.html [ Edit ]Site Reviews(1) Added: Jun 24, 2003 Last Update: Jun 24, 2003 Category: Issues Hits In: 38 Hits Out: 1559
2. scotcrone.co.uk - Keepin it real for Jesus. Scot Crone's Website - Keepin it real for Jesus. Cool stuff, poems, free stuff, my tattoos, my testimony. Personal Homepage.... http://www.scotcrone.co.uk [ Edit ]Site Reviews(0) Added: Jul 6, 2005 Last Update: Jul 6, 2005 Category: Issues Hits In: 23 Hits Out: 1711