1. Victoriously Virtuous Ministries Teaching victorious and virtuous living through the knowledge of Jesus Christ.... http://www.virtuouswomen.org [ Edit ]Site Reviews(0) Added: Jun 26, 2003 Last Update: Jun 26, 2003 Category: Womens Hits In: 31 Hits Out: 1322
2. Won without a word For Christian wives of unsaved husbands. A haven of peace where women with unsaved husbands may interact with one another and find acceptance, encouragement, refreshment, and support in Christ Jesus.... http://www.infowest.com/personal/w/wonwithoutaword/ [ Edit ]Site Reviews(0) Added: Jun 25, 2003 Last Update: Jun 25, 2003 Category: Womens Hits In: 27 Hits Out: 1518
3. Happiness is a verb - Your Inspiring Inspirational Pages The site that testifies to God's greatness through words and images. Find resources for Bible Study, Christian Living (Self-esteem, Friendship, Freedom in Christ) and Witnessing, illustrated with the best in Nature Photography.... http://www.happinessisaverb.com [ Edit ]Site Reviews(0) Added: Jul 12, 2005 Last Update: Jul 12, 2005 Category: Womens Hits In: 24 Hits Out: 1560
4. Joani Tabor Ministries Looking into a sea of faces, Joani Tabor speaks and sings for the Lord. Sharing the joy of our Lord, is what Joani Tabor is all about. Joani Tabor is a blessed individual who shares her voice with the world and the world responds. ... http://www.joanitabor.org [ Edit ]Site Reviews(0) Added: Apr 30, 2004 Last Update: Apr 30, 2004 Category: Womens Hits In: 23 Hits Out: 1263