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1. Jehovah's Witnesses: PowerPoint presentation
PowerPoint presentation in history, beliefs and practices of the Jehovah's Witnesses....  [ Edit ]  Site Reviews(0)
Added: Jul 2, 2003  Last Update: Jul 2, 2003  Category: Counter-Cult  Hits In: 28  Hits Out: 6819
2. Battered Sheep Ministry
Ministry for victims of legalistic and authoritarian churches....  [ Edit ]  Site Reviews(0)
Added: Sep 2, 2004  Last Update: Sep 2, 2004  Category: Counter-Cult  Hits In: 27  Hits Out: 6845
3. Christian Research And Outreach Ministry
Jehovah's Witnesses are as follows: (1) that God is not a Trinity, (2) that Jesus Christ did not physically rise from the dead, (3) that there will be no literal and physical Second Coming of Christ, and...  [ Edit ]  Site Reviews(0)
Added: Jun 26, 2003  Last Update: Jun 26, 2003  Category: Counter-Cult  Hits In: 24  Hits Out: 6879
4. Battered Sheep Ministry
Ministry for victims of legalistic and authoritarian churches....  [ Edit ]  Site Reviews(1)
Added: Jul 6, 2003  Last Update: Jul 6, 2003  Category: Counter-Cult  Hits In: 22  Hits Out: 6945
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